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Valutazione dello staff:

  • Societa: Ouroboros Derivatives Trading Limited
  • Sede: 42-44 Griva Digeni, Nicosia, Cyprus
  • Telefono: +44-20-80997262
  • Email: support@anyoption.com
  • Fax:
  • Web: http://www.anyoption.com
Nome: Ouroboros Derivatives Trading Limited
Sito Web: http://www.anyoption.com
Email: support@anyoption.com
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The anyoption™ trademark platform is operated by Ouroboros. The company is regulated by the Cyprus Securities Exchange Commission (CySEC) under license no. 187/12. anyoption™ is the world's most prominent binary option trading environment. anyoption was the first and remains the biggest, most professional, most reliable and most exciting online financial trading website. anyoption™ is a registered trademark and a platform operating since 2008 and has hundreds of thousands of loyal users from around the globe. Our website and mobile applications are fully localized in several languages, and our team of professionals provides 24/7 support and guidance. We offer an advanced trading platform for binary options and other innovative derivatives, allowing customers to trade and profit from the fluctuations in financial markets, whether positive or negative. Trading with anyoption™ is quick and easy to master. No experience is needed, and our products are suitable for professional traders and beginners alike. We offer options on hundreds of underlying assets from leading stock exchanges around the globe, to stocks, commodities, indices and currency pairs, with a wide range of expiry points. Trading is available even when markets are closed, and profits can be as high as 1,000% per trade. Our main data source for pricing and expiry rates is Thomson Reuters. We use the most advanced and stable technologies to assure safety and satisfaction of our traders, and all transactions are secured through SSL connection. We manage our liabilities and exposures carefully and we guarantee payouts of your profits according to our terms. Customers’ deposits are held in a separate trust account and are not being used for any purpose other than purchasing options by the customers. Our platform is operated by a group of reputable individuals with years of experience in risk management, derivatives, forex trading, exotic options pricing, payment processing and international laws and legislations.

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